If you ever make an error in front of a judge, a slip of the tongue, say something you were not supposed to or make an inaccurate statement, always correct yourself. Now this might have zero to little consequence on your client, but it has a huge impact on your professional relationship with the judge, and the respect that you get whenever you walk into a court room. I will give you an example, if you go into court and your client is trying to get off maybe bond supervision, or get an order modified on their bond and you say judge the client had 15 ua’s and they were all negative. Then you go outside, and you find out that they only did 13 that you had miscounted. A lot of lawyers will just walk out of the courtroom once their motion has been granted. In that instance you go back into the judge you ask that the case be recalled and then you correct yourself on the record. Tell the judge, Judge I said there were 15 negative ua’s but there were only 13. Now in reality that would make little difference to the judge at all other than they will know that you are above board and that you are not making any false statements, and that you take your speech in front of the judge very seriously. Now you can translate this into your personal life as well. If you are talking with your boss and you say, oh boss I worked 45 hours last week but then you go outside and you’re doing your timecard and you see that you only worked 43 hours. Well, go back in and tell your boss, say I only worked 43 hours not 45. Now those two hours difference will probably mean absolutely nothing to your boss, but what they will take away from it is that you are an honest and trustworthy person and you can be trusted. That piece of information, that impression left on either on the judge or your boss is going to have a long consequence for you that is positive.