Keep Quiet No Matter What The Police Say.
You have a 6th amendment right not to be questioned without a lawyer present; exercise it.
Do Not Consent To A Search.
If the police want to search they are going to search, but your lawyer will have a lot easier time in court if you don’t give consent.
Tell The Police You Want To Speak With A Lawyer and repeat only that statement when they try to talk to you.
Invoking your right to counsel should keep the police from questioning you further.
Do Not Take Any Tests Or Give Any Samples Unless The Officer Has A Warrant.
Anything you provide, including a field sobriety test, DNA sample, or breath sample will be used against you and you are not obligated to provide any of those things unless a warrant is issued.
Turn Off Your Telephone.
The police will take your telephone and log it into property. Eventually you may be allowed to bond or have the opportunity to get out of jail. You will need a phone that has battery left to make telephone calls. This may also keep the police from searching your telephone.