What Are the Alternatives to Jail in Johnson County?

If convicted of a crime in Johnson County, there are several programs that can serve as alternatives to going to jail or prison, depending on the nature of the crime and how the case is prepared by the defense. These programs aim to provide structured supervision and support, allowing offenders to remain out of custody while fulfilling court-mandated obligations. Below are some common alternatives and details about each:

1. Adult Probation

Adult Probation is a standard form of probation where offenders are required to follow specific court orders. The primary goal of probation is to ensure that offenders comply with the conditions set by the court. These conditions may include:

  • Completing counseling, such as anger management, drug or alcohol meetings, or other court-ordered programs.

  • Abstaining from drug and alcohol use, which is monitored through random urine tests.

  • Signing a probation agreement that outlines the offender’s responsibilities while on probation.

Failure to meet the terms of probation can result in a revocation hearing, where the court may reconsider the sentence.

2. Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP)

Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP) is a more rigorous form of probation involving closer supervision. Offenders assigned to ISP are typically those convicted of more serious felonies or misdemeanors. ISP offenders must meet more frequently with their supervising officer and follow stricter guidelines, such as:

  • Regular meetings with the ISP officer, possibly multiple times per week.

  • Random drug and alcohol tests at the offender’s expense.

  • Counseling, employment checks, and close monitoring of behavior in various settings, including home and work.

ISP may be ordered at the time of sentencing, after a revocation hearing from standard probation, or after violations of probation.

3. Adult Residential Center (ARC)

The Adult Residential Center is a structured, community-based facility that provides a 398-bed environment for court-ordered adult offenders. The ARC focuses on reintegrating offenders into society by providing:

  • 24-hour structured programming.

  • Resources like employment assistance, mental health counseling, educational opportunities, and substance abuse treatment.

  • Various classes, including anger control, cognitive skills programming, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

The ARC aims to help offenders become productive members of society while closely monitoring their progress.

4. Therapeutic Community (TC)

The Therapeutic Community is a 6-month residential substance abuse treatment program designed for offenders with extensive drug abuse and criminal backgrounds. This program offers:

  • Long-term, intensive substance abuse treatment accredited by the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services.

  • Mental health counseling, crisis counseling, and aftercare services.

  • A focus on addressing both addiction and criminal behavior in a structured residential setting.

The goal of the TC program is to divert probation violators from Kansas prisons and help them achieve lasting recovery and rehabilitation.

5. Work Release

Work Release allows offenders to serve their sentence while maintaining employment. Participants must follow strict guidelines, which include:

  • Maintaining a job, paying taxes, and covering court fees.

  • Adhering to facility and employer compliance checks.

  • Reporting to the facility daily while being allowed to work during designated hours.

Work Release provides an opportunity for offenders to contribute to society while being held accountable for their actions.

Ground Rules for Participation in Alternative Programs

Medication Rules:
Correct Care Services (CCS) oversees medical care at the ARC. Medications must be verified and ordered through CCS’s vendors, with no outside medications permitted unless issued by another correctional facility.

Personal Property Rules:
All personal property must be processed through the Property Office. Offenders are allowed specific quantities of clothing, hygiene items, and personal effects. For example:

  • 3 total shirts, 3 pairs of pants, 5 pairs of shoes.

  • Work clothing must be listed on the Job Placement form and approved by Resource Developers.

Visitation Rules:
Visitation is strictly regulated, requiring approval and background checks for all visitors over 16 years old. Visits are by appointment only, with set time slots for different days of the week.

Costs Associated with the Programs

  1. Residential Maintenance Fees:

    • Residential Center: $13.00 per day.

    • Therapeutic Community: $1.00 per day.

    • Work Release: Fees range from $15.00 to $20.00 per day, depending on the offender’s income.

  2. Medication and Treatment Costs:

    • Medications: Charged to the client (no agency cost).

    • Assessments: $115.00 for evaluation.

    • Treatment: $25.00 per clinical hour, with standard treatment requiring 15 to 50 clinical hours.


Johnson County offers various alternatives to incarceration for eligible offenders. These programs focus on rehabilitation and reintegration into society, providing support through structured supervision, substance abuse treatment, employment assistance, and counseling. Offenders who participate in these programs must adhere to strict rules and cover the associated costs, but they benefit from the opportunity to avoid jail while working toward personal improvement and fulfilling court orders. Whether it’s through probation, residential programs, or work release, these alternatives offer offenders a chance to rebuild their lives while being held accountable.